lunedì 21 settembre 2015

NEW! / Neon Abel / The Weeknd / Oil On Canvas

3 Dot Mag / US / Interview

Who is Rinat Shingareev

Who is Rinat Shingareev?
I am a professional artist from Italy who creates unique artworks. For me, art is a universal means of communication that brings together people with different cultures and traditions. In my work, I appeal to the whole world revealing my thoughts and emotions and so my work doesn't leave people indifferent. Also I would like to add that my work has been published in many international editions such as GQ, Forbes, Taschen, Zeit and others and Maxim magazine Italy was the first who called me one of the most talented artists in the world.

Any professional training?
My art education begins in Russia where I graduated from art school. During the years of studies I got the basic knowledge that I useful in the future and that I was able to develop already in Italy at the Academy of Fine Arts. In Italy, my studies was focused mainly on the practice, as well as various experiments in fashion, photography and design. Also, thanks to the academy, I participated in a large number of collective exhibitions and other cultural events.

Who or what inspires you and your artwork?
I can say that my greatest inspiration is the desire to create an absolute masterpiece. Every time I try to surpass myself and realize more bold, special and interesting work, using to the maximum of all the opportunities offered me by my art. Probably it will sound banal but you simply have to create hits to achieve the highest heights. This is the whole secret.

Can you explain your creative process or techniques?
My studio is the perfect place for creativity. Practically every day I spend here for seven to eight hours. I don't like when someone distracts me from my work and therefore I always work alone. The only thing I need while working is an energetic atmosphere created by the music that inspires me and energizes me with working energy. Generally it is electronic music and hip-hop.
As for the working process it passes quite classically. All my works are painted in oil on canvas. For me it's the most convenient and versatile material that gives you unlimited possibilities in technical plan. All stages of artwork creation performed manually without use of any digital processing.      

Where has your work been shown?
I participated in a large number of collective exhibitions in Italy, Germany and Austria. This is an excellent and interesting experience that inspires you and gives you new possibilities. In addition my works are exposed in some galleries in Italy.

Who or what influences you to keep creating?
The art is interesting precisely because it is varied and unlimited. My inspirations range from Bacon and Warhol to Raphael and Michelangelo. With these being my influences, I can create work with modern and classical twists. Overall, I think that my work reflects my love for the maniacal detail and grace of classical art in addition to the boundless forms of self-expression of modern art.

Color or black and white and why?
I'm positive and confident person and I am sure that my art specularly reflects my character. I want my work to cause different emotions in people, give them a reason for reflection, stimulate imagination. And I can realize all this only through the use of a rich palette of colors, unusual contrasts and transitions. This is the first thing you'll notice when looking at my work. The colors help me to create the mood of my work and  to reveal more fully my personage.

Favorite quotes of all time?
"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?" Steve Jobs

"Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems." Sergey Brin

"I would call myself the new Andy Warhol, wishing to reach the level of Leonardo Da Vinci. " Rinat Shingareev

What would you tell the youth about living the creative lifestyle?
Be an artist and lead creative lifestyle is much complicated than it might seem. To be successful, it's not enough to simply create artworks but you must also have the skills of an entrepreneur and manager. It is also very important to create a team of professionals which could be engaged in various aspects of promoting your art and sooner or later you reach your goals, get satisfaction and you will see the fruits of your labor .

What’s next for Rinat Shingareev?
At the moment my attention is concentrated generally at my personal exhibition. It will be a great and special event. Besides that I also work on other projects, including the autobiographical book and experiments in fashion design.